
How to Set Up ACH Withdrawal Payment Method

SIP.US offers two online payment methods via the Payment Center. Customers may choose between credit card or ACH Withdrawal via bank account. The benefit to billing via ACH Withdrawal is that it avoids potential credit card charges, saving you money over time. This guide provides a full walkthrough for setting up ACH Withdrawal along with supplemental images and notes. 


  1. In the Customer Portal, hover over the "Payment Center" menu option and select the "Payment Methods" submenu option. The following screen will load and display the "Current Payment Methods" for existing payment methods on file and "Add an Account" for adding new payment methods. 


  2. Choose the "Add Bank Account" (ACH) option. The following form will load with instructions. Enter the Name on Account (Bank), Routing Number, Account Number, specify the Account Type, and Holder Type.

    NOTE: It is necessary to ensure that all details match your bank account information exactly including capitalization. 


  3. Once you submit the form, you will either see the new ACH Withdrawal payment method successfully added to the "Current Payment Methods" section, or you will see the following error:


  4. SIP.US is listed as a preferred and recognized merchant. When you submit the new payment method, the system will attempt a $0.00 authorization to verify that the card/bank is valid. It will then immediately process a void of that $0.00 authorization. 

    There are several reasons this error may come back. Common causes include submitting inaccurate/outdated account information, mispellings of names, missing digits in the account numbers, or a rejection directly from the bank.

    If you have verified that all submitted information is correct, please contact your bank to inquire about why the authorization from SIP.US was declined. 

  5. Once the ACH method has been submitted successfully, you may add it as the default payment method on the account if needed. 


NOTE: At least one payment method is required to be on file for an account, whether it be a credit card or ACH. 

NOTE: SIP.US does not store credit cards or ACH account numbers. The account information goes to a secure third party processor and is not stored in the SIP.US system. 

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