
Thirdlane Multi Tenant PBX Configuration Guide

Configuring Thirdlane Multi Tenant PBX to use SIP.US SIP trunks is very straightforward and can be completed very quickly. Inside of Communications Manager (version was used in this example), navigate to System Management -> Trunks and click the Create SIP Trunk button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

In the SIP trunk creation pop-up, put the following information into the relevant fields:

  • Name: SIPUS-GW1 (any value can be used here)
  • Description: (any value can be used here)
  • Available to tenants: (depends on situation)
  • Host:
  • Type: Friend
  • Context: from-outside (may be different in some cases)
  • User name: <SIP.US Trunk Number>
  • Password: <SIP.US Trunk Password>
  • Caller ID: Desired 10-digit caller ID value for outbound calls (optional)
  • Call Limit: (safe to leave blank)
  • Enabled Codecs: Under Enabled Codecs: G.711a and G.711u
  • DTMF Mode: RFC2833
  • Qualify: yes
  • Registration: <Trunk Number>:<Trunk Password> (notice the colon between trunk number and password)
  • Status: Enabled

After clicking the Save button, the trunk should become registered and ready to accept incoming and outgoing calls.


Next, it is necessary to configure outbound routes such that users' calls are routed to SIP.US. After picking the tenant that you wish to configure, navigate to Selected Tenant Management -> Call Routing -> Outbound Routes.

Delete the default four outbound routes, and create the following four outbound routes using the Create Outbound Route button found in the top right-hand corner of the page:

Screen_Shot_2018-05-11_at_3.24.23_PM.png Screen_Shot_2018-05-11_at_3.23.10_PM.png



Next, it is necessary to add the DIDs to the PBX  by navigating to System Management -> DIDs. Go to the bottom of the page to add the 11-digit DID number to the Add DIDs field, check the Assign checkbox, and then click Add DIDs.


Finally, in order to enable inbound calling to the DID(s) that were configured above, it is necessary to configure Inbound Routes by navigating to Selected Tenant Management -> Call Routing -> Inbound Routes. Next, in the top right-hand corner of the page, click Create Operator Managed Routes Group (or Time Based, if that is the desired).

Then, select the DID added above in the DID field, give it a description, and click Add Route to configure the destination(s) of calls to the DID. After deciding what script (destination) and what times to execute this route, click the Save button at the bottom of the pop-up.


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