Change/Modify SIP trunk password
This brief overview will guide you in changing or modifying the password for your SIP trunk(s). Please note that changing or modifying your SIP trunk password will cause a brief interruption in service.
It will be necessary to change the password in your SIP.US portal account as well as in your VoIP device. The order does not matter but this guide will start with changing the password in the SIP.US portal first.
SIP. US portal
To modify your trunk password in the SIP.US port you will need to:
Login in to your SIP.US portal
Select SIP Trunking > SIP Trunks
You will then see the following screen (if you have more than one active trunk this procedure will need to be repeated for all trunks):
Click on ‘Modify trunk’
Update your ‘Password’ to the new 16 character minimum or change if already at least 16 characters, then click ‘Submit’
Customer VoIP Devices
You will now need to ensure the same password is set in your VoIP Device. If you are unsure where this password is located, click here to find our configuration guides for common VoIP Devices.