
Grandstream UCM61XX Firmware Version 1.0.18+

Welcome, if you are reading this guide it means that you have either just set up a DEMO account with us and are ready to configure you trunk on your Grandstream device, or you are already have an existing account with us and are looking into trying out a Grandstream UCM.


By now you probably already have everything plugged in and are able to login to your Grandstream UCM. If that is the case, skip these next steps on connecting your Grandstream:

Configuring a VoIP Trunk:

After you have set up your extension, in the same Tab, click on VoIP Trunks, then click Add SIP Trunk.  This will bring you to the screen below, see image below for configuration setup. Please note password is your Trunk Password found in your portal on the SIP Trunks page:


Once this filled in and saved, go back in to the trunk configuration settings as we are not done just yet. Once you go back in to Trunk configuration settings you will notice a few extra fields, and an Advanced Settings Tab. In the Basic Settings Tab, you will see From Domain field, you need to enter Please note with out this, your outbound calls will not work


Select Advanced Settings and make the following adjustments:


1. Under Codes, select only PCMU and G.729 

2. Change DID Mode to 'Request-Line'


Screen_Shot_2019-08-05_at_4.22.22_PM.pngOnce you are done with configuring the Trunk you can check to see if the device is connected by one of the following methods:

A. Login to your SIP Trunk Account and under the SIP Trunking Tab you will see:



B. You can go to the System Status Tab ▸ Dashboard and you will see this on the bottom right corner:



Note: After you have successfully configured your device to the Trunk, create a new trunk and follow the same Trunk configuration steps, but substitute into the 'Host Name' and 'From Domain: fields. This will allow you to use in the event that is unreachable.

Creating Outbound Routes:

In the Extension/Trunk ▸ Outbound Routes Tab, click Add to add an outbound route. Please fill in the slots according to below images:

For 11 Digit and 3 Digit Dialing:

Patterns: _1NXXNXXXXXX, _NXX, _N33 (on individual lines)



Failover: Select your trunk that registers to



Assuming you are in the United States, Canada, or the Caribbean and do not wish to force your users to always dial a "1", you need an additional rule.

For 10 Digit Dialing:


 Strip: 0

Prepend: 1

Failover: Select your trunk that registers to and enter the same strip and prepend rules.


The final rule displayed below is only required if you will need to make international calls out side of the North American Numbering Plan:

Pattern: _011.

Strip: 3


Failover: Select your trunk that registers to and enter the same strip and prepend rules.


Creating Inbound Route:

To create an Inbound Route, in Extension/Trunk Tab ▸ Inbound Routes, click Add, here is where you will add you Inbound Rules. Set the pattern with a leading underscore followed by the DID you wish to route in an 11-digit format (i.e. '_14045964200'):


Supplementary Note:

If you are behind NAT and your Trunk is showing "Registered" at SIP.US, but it is registered to a private IP Address you will need to navigate to "PBX" ---> "SIP Settings" ---> "- NAT" and input your external IP Address in the "External IP Address" field. You must also put your local network address in the "Local Network Address" field.



If you run into any issues getting your device configured using this guide, please submit a Support ticket that includes your trunk or account number, as well as any screenshots or configuration files that you are using.

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    Brett Burbidge

    This is an amazing guide, very helpful. Do you know where I can go to find other reasons why my SIP trunk wouldn't register?

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    Please update it

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